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“12 Questions to Ask Now As You Lead Yourself and Others Through Change”
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P.S. In the video you’ll hear how when you bring your curiosity to these insightful questions you’ll see two benefits: your brain rewards with less stress and your answers will create clarity you can put to good use as you plan to be your best.
The stress of these times frustrates our ability to find answers and make well-thought-out decisions as easily as we wish.
Here are two tips on how to get better answers, make better decisions and lower your stress in the process. They’re found in this video and within PLAN TO BE YOUR BEST …At Decision-making©.
- Two tips
- How they work and reduce your stress
- How this decision-making model works
- A success story
Let me know if you’d like to discuss any of the questions or your answers.
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International Service from
Boston, MA USA
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