A Better Brand

There’s a plan for that.

“We’ve gotten to a point where people don’t know where we are or what we really do. They don’t know who we are. And I don’t think we even know anymore.”
– Hospital Executive

I heard that 25 years ago. And I’ve heard it many times in the past couple of years.

Yet, sometimes it’s not necessarily a better brand that’s needed, but more a matter of a better way of expressing it.

And virtually every success story I’ve had the honor to be a part of…including that hospital…involved the good, hard work of building a better brand position.

Something I learned when working with Diane Arnold and Leo Rice (two of the finest and smartest people I know), is that there are three “pillars” to a successful brand position.

Let me put them in the form of questions…so you can reflect on the brand of your business (or even your personal/professional brand).


1. Is it credible?

2. Is it relevant?

3. Is it differentiating?

The goal here is for the answers to apply both internally and externally.

That is, doing justice to these questions means finding out how all of your audiences determine what is credible, relevant and differentiating.

Guess-work would be like shooting blindfolded.

Having the insight is one of the most important keys to achieving your objectives.

Is your brand expressed in a way that answers each of these questions?

I look forward to your thoughts...

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