7 Business Lessons from 7 Knee Surgeries – #6

7 Business Lessons from 7 Knee Surgeries – #6

7 Business Lessons from 7 Knee Surgeries – #6 As you’ll hear, “Gratitude heals, energizes, and transforms lives,” according to Robert Emmons, professor of psychology at UC Davis and expert on the science of gratitude. His research shows and my...
7 Business Lessons from 7 Knee Surgeries – #3

7 Business Lessons from 7 Knee Surgeries – #3

7 Business Lessons from 7 Knee Surgeries – #3 During times of change and challenges, especially like now… “Your role is more important than ever,” explains Rick Cram. As you lead yourself and others through change, here are ways you can play a...
7 Business Lessons from 7 Knee Surgeries – #2

7 Business Lessons from 7 Knee Surgeries – #2

7 Business Lessons from 7 Knee Surgeries – #2 There are two parts to this strategy. I’ve found this works well as part of a wide set of strategies to help overcome the overwhelmings of challenges. In essence, this recognizes that pain, in any form, is a...

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...Including how to use The Three Steps of Resilience.


Thank you, I hope you find the insights positive and encouraging. Please let me know if you have any questions or at any time would like to arrange a free conversation.