Curiosity and Hope: A Surprising Connection

Positive and encouraging insights from PLAN TO BE YOUR BEST …As You Navigate Pain.

“Curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”
– Walt Disney

How do you spark your curiosity? I find these work, which in turn helps to build resilience:

1) Make time to pause and consider one of many open ended questions.

2) Get together with a friend and discuss your answers to those questions.

One of the most encouraging ways I’ve applied this is to pursue answers to these questions:

What challenges in my past did I get through?

And what qualities in me were sources of strength during those trying times?

Considering, even for just a few moments, how we successfully persevered through something overwhelming reminds us that we can and will again.

I look forward to your thoughts.

Book cover for PLAN TO BE YOUR BEST ...As You Navigate Pain by Rick Cram

First Book in Progress

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You’ll gain positive and encouraging insights into how you can be more intentional and best regain your focus and spark fresh energy to persevere.

It’s based on my 40+ years of pain management having had seven surgeries on my left knee and now determined to being my best with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, a.k.a. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.

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...Including how to use The Three Steps of Resilience.


Thank you, I hope you find the insights positive and encouraging. Please let me know if you have any questions or at any time would like to arrange a free conversation.