Whatever the Pain, How Do You Persevere?
The purpose of this video is to encourage you to PLAN TO BE YOUR BEST …As You Navigate Pain.
Rick describes how this question – and the answer by someone with chronic pain – creates new focus and positivity.
September is National Pain Awareness Month.
Consider this:
Tension Requires Intention
The greater our pain and stress, the greater our intention needs to be.
Questions like this can spark a healthy, positive level of purpose and determination; the kind that strengthens our ability to persevere.
Consider something positive within yourself when you answer the question: How do you persevere?
Let the question and your answer lead you to being even more intentional.
What else can you do to reclaim your focus and spark new energy for moving forward?
I have a list of over 20 things I do. One is simply pausing to focus on my breathing.
Make a list of at least three things that you’re open to trying.
When you need it most, whatever pain and stress you’re experiencing, don’t just try them, commit yourself to taking action. Do them multiple times to see what works for you.
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You’ll gain positive and encouraging insights into how you can be more intentional and best regain your focus and spark fresh energy to persevere.
It’s based on my 40+ years of pain management having had seven surgeries on my left knee and now determined to being my best with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, a.k.a. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.
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