How to Lead Others from Angst to Action

Seven out of ten are stressed to such an extent it affects their mental and physical health (according to The American Institute of Stress).

Do you see evidence of this? I see it a lot, and the steps you’ll see in this video create a powerful, effective process that’s worked for me for over 25 years.

You’ll see the best results when you use your best facilitation skills!

Below are a few helpful tips.

If you’d like to experience this first hand, let’s talk so you can see active listening in action as I hear about your business issues and brainstorm ways I can help make you the best. CLICK HERE to schedule a time to meet by phone or Zoom.


  • Prepare! Gain an understanding ahead of time (if at all possible) what the stressors are.
  • Consider your audience and how you can create a “safe place” in which s/he will feel comfortable talking about what needs to be validated.
  • Have the goals and strategies top-of-mind.
  • Make a list of open-ended questions to lead into the process.
  • Use your best active listening and facilitation skills, especially knowing how to reflect back what your hearing.
  • Practice this process, then practice some more. And keep in mind that it may take more than once or even twice with the same person before seeing results (especially if their level of stress is very high).

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...Including how to use The Three Steps of Resilience.


Thank you, I hope you find the insights positive and encouraging. Please let me know if you have any questions or at any time would like to arrange a free conversation.