Leaders Turn Challenges into Opportunities with this Question
Rick reviews a recent PLAN TO BE YOUR BEST …Daily virtual meeting. He applied the LISTEN leadership strategy by asking the attendees to discuss being overwhelmed by the current COVID-19 challenges.
As you lead yourself and others through these times, let me encourage you to use questions like this to engage and encourage each other. You’ll turn challenges into opportunities.

Learn About Customized Virtual Meeting Programs

Rick Cram equips leaders and their teams with the most effective ways to lead themselves and others through change. His strategic framework is called PLAN TO BE YOUR BEST …As You Navigate Change©.

“It’s all about the way we plan, lead and communicate,” Rick says.

For more information, please call 617-500-0006.

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...Including how to use The Three Steps of Resilience.


Thank you, I hope you find the insights positive and encouraging. Please let me know if you have any questions or at any time would like to arrange a free conversation.