“I have some good news and some bad news,” their leader explained. As the team listened to both, all they did was focus on the bad news.

Leadership Strategy #3: Accept

A brief summary of the most recent webinar.

As David Gorsage, CEO of Camp David, puts it, “Change is more than inevitable. It’s necessary. Yet, the greatest challenge is to accept it.”

When you apply this third strategy in the PLAN TO BE YOUR BEST …As You Navigate Change methodology, your objective is to evaluate the change you and your teams are experiencing and…

Trade stagnation for action
Trade uncertainty for clarity
Trade division for unity

Here are four ways to apply this strategy.

Accept the response to change.
Change can have a negative, even paralyzing affect, reducing productivity and levels of engagement. Understanding the hows and whys of this … for yourself and for everyone on your team … will lead to an objectivity which will make it easier to create forward motion. Now is the ideal time to gain and share that insight. Learn more about the symptoms of change here, and why they occur.

Accept the essential role of planning.
More than a creating a road map for achieving success, the process of planning is empowering and energizing: it restores the sense of having control, it engages everyone to participate (as they should), and a thorough planning exercise reverses the negative effects change has on individuals and teams.

Accept the facts.
Obviously. Right? Not so fast. Resistance to change is so common and it can be so powerful that facts can and will be twisted or outright rejected. In the course of evaluating your change and gathering data and information for your strategic planning, don’t be surprised to find yourself and others contorting and dismissing critical facts. Doing so will hold you back. Advance your success by embracing facts.

PLAN TO BE YOUR BEST leadership strategies by Rick Cram

Accept the perspectives.
Each person responds to the same change with their own unique perspective. You have yours. Others will be different; as different as their professional and personal experiences have been, which forms the lens through which change is viewed.

Create times when all perspectives can be heard and respected. They need to be shared and acknowledged.

However, sooner than later, everyone on your team needs to share the same perspective: a positive mindset that’s good for the team and each individual.

Navigating change is a team sport.

Remember, the people who plan to be their best as they navigate change are going to be the most successful.