Your best is greater than the pain.
“You are one of your greatest sources of hope.”
This holistic approach addresses the complex and interconnected challenges that we face when dealing with…
- Chronic pain
- Grieving
- Anxiety and stress
- Burnout
- Loneliness
- Change exhaustion (in life or work)
- Depression
- Divorce or relationship challenges
- Life transitions, including job loss
- A new journey in which you perpetually grow your resilience
- A method that grows with you
- A uniquely personal, whole person approach to bringing out your best… because your best is greater than the pain
- Especially when so much seems out of control, it reveals to you more and more things that you can control
- It facilitates how you experience the pain, the mental and emotional distress in healthy ways
- When the timing is right for you, it helps you become uniquely qualified to be wonderfully encouraging to others, making a more of a positive difference in the world
How Does the PLAN TO BE YOUR BEST Method Work?
The Eight Domains of Resilience continually puts more and more building blocks in place that transforms your journey with pain into one of resilience.
It’s the foundation that equips you to use The Three Steps of Resilience in the moment…especially when you need it most.
When we learn through our pain journey how to truly encourage ourselves and others, we will be uniquely qualified to make more of a difference in the world.
Excerpt from
…As You Navigate Pain
I’ll guide and walk with you through a highly personalized and flexible approach.
Virtual Services
Get to know you conversation (complimentary)
One-on-one counseling and coaching
- At your own pace
- 10-week program
Small groups
- New groups coming soon
- Assessments
- MY BEST Gateway
- Planning guides, workbooks
- Exclusive videos and tips
Resilience grows through conversation. Let’s talk.
I’ll share with you details about the PLAN TO BE YOUR BEST approach, strategies you can immediately start to apply, flexible arrangements, and I’ll answer all of your questions.
Request Your Time Here
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International Service from
Boston, MA USA
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International Service from
Boston, MA USA